Saturday, September 30, 2006
met up with grace to makan at mcdonalds... then went for social studies remedial... hahax. on our way to sch, we saw millions of ppl in red shirts.. hmm.. inculding me. lolx... took one whole bus round before alighting and heading for sch.. while walkin, grace saw 2 shirtless guys.. she thought they were hot.. but when we got closer and closer, her heart sank deep into her anus.. lolx. hmmm... played "hide-and-seek" with the guard.. lolx. then shouted for nicho's name when he was playin his DS at the liabrary.. we shouted frm the 3rd story.. and faster ran to hide.. hahax.. peggy's mom fetched us to cwp after the remedial... ate with nicho and then went for tuition. tuition was supposed to start at 3.. but i reached there at 2.. so i bought something to eat and then walked around the small little "shopping centre"... during tuition, ms chan talked abt cartoons.. then a fellow tuition-mate said he never watches cartoon. so ms chan asked wat he watches... and he was lyk thinkin and mumbling something.. then ms chan actually went: HENTAI? hahahax... LOL. tt was damn funny.. omg.. hahax... tuition is always fun.. cuz ms chan is really random.. talking crap all the time. monday is chinese eoy... shit! gonna die a terrible death.. sighhhh...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 8:02 PM
Friday, September 29, 2006
1st paper of eoy.. english. hmm.. was pretty ok.. but paper 2 was kinda difficult. didn't really understood the passage. i wrote abt 117 words for the summary.. which was lyk too little. so i looked back at the passage and search for more points. the final word count = 149 words. whew... after sch, took the bus with peggy, anthea and grace. ohh, and nadeen! lolx.. the bus was really pack with human beings. at a particular stop, the freakin bus door kept clocing and opening.. the reason = a woman couldn't find her wallet. and kept pressing the bell to keep the door open. -_-"... can't she jus freaking get down.. omg. at the trian station... saw thana, rhodia and victor.. took the train with them. peggy and anthea went the other way while grace took the bus.. at every station, one of us would get down.. only at cck.. thana and i got down.. hmm.. frm woodlands to cck.. its a damn 20 plus min.. but if i go back with ppl.. for eg. thana, rhodia, victor and nadeen, the time will pass really fast.. lolx.. finally, after 2 yrs! in the last 2 yrs, there is no freaking human who lives in cck.. only me.. in whole entire 2e2 population.. but now, there is 3... so if i'm lucky, i get to take the train with them.. not so bored tt way.. XD !!!
ohhh.. i almost 4got. some black ass monkey wan me to say he's damn handsome and sexy.. watever.. well, he's gay.. dun expect much.. *wink*
The Retro Fever Ends @ 4:18 PM
Thursday, September 28, 2006
the day started with a whole body check... lolx.. gotta check the attire, hair, fingernails... and y must check? because ms foo says so.. -_-"... dan, sean and i got caught for unacceptble hair.. which is lyk totally unreasonable.. wth. got sent up to the hall with thousands of other students with unacceptable attire, long fingernails and mostly unacceptable hair... ms foo had a really long "speech" in the hall.. SUPER long-winded.. sighhh... those without the sch socks had to buy sch socks... those with long fingernails had to had them cut in the hall with only 5 nail clippers.. and thousands had to share them.. ewwww... and the bin was filled with nails.. hahax... then at another corner, was the hair cuttin cum shaving corner... saw william, adriel, nigel, jia hao there... join them and chit chatted.. hmm.. was tryin to skip lessons.. lolx... after waitin for abt 2 plus hours, we decided to go cut our hair... only mr kumar and OM can cut.. cuz mr koa shaves... lolx.. sean and i were kinda lucky as we got our hair cut by mr kumar and OM.. whew... lolx. but william and adriel weren't tt lucky.. they got shaved by me koa.. but shave abit only.. XD. mr kumar's scissor were really sharp and it kept poking into my flesh.. and its damn freaking picky.. hahax.. hmmm... after sch, went to meet adriel and got our hair cut.. while walkin to the salon, we saw 2 huge big fat cats.. as the greatest cat lover on earth, i walked one big round so as to avoid the 2 huge big fat cats... hahax. then in the salon, we saw this really cute dog.. its wearin a jersey and walks super cute.. hahax.. then got our hair cut.. finally! hahax... the hair dyer was practically burning my skull.. burning lyk fcuk.. sighhh.. now, my freaking hair is super short.. lolx. but adriel's worst.. hahax..
The Retro Fever Ends @ 6:03 PM
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
monday (25.09.06)had maths test.. only 2 qns. but i only did 1.. i didn't noe how to do the other one... hmm.. would fail.. most lykly.. XDtuesday (26.09.06)sch holiday. replacement for the polling day.. hahax. damn bored. no where to go.. lolx... studied at home.. sort of studied lah.. not exactly studying.. hahax.
wednesday (27.09.06) TODAYms foo nagged till damn long today.. talk abt the uniform, the hair, the make-up... sighhh.. so long-winded.. lyk old woman. LOL. she IS an old woman.. hahax.. rhodia's bdae today. thana gave her 2 soft toys.. one flower and one donkey frm the story pooh.. i 4got its name.. lolx.. mrs lim blew up today again.. i think she's pms-ing... hahax. scolded us for some dinner tickets shit.. lolx.. and when melvin talk to her, she'll be lyk: dun shout at me! hahax.. then everyone would go: he's not shouting... she sent many ppl outside class for talking... and when they still continued to talk, she said: if u wan to talk, then sit down.. i dun wan to see ur face... and the later, when she had nth to talk back to us, she said: see... they still talkin outside... and then everyone replied: you called them to sit down and talk wat.. LOL. hahax... everyone wonders how her husband talks to her.. since the way melvin talk to her is called "shouting".... went home with rhodia, swatee, thana and nadeen.. lolx. nadeen bought some funny lookin drink frm the pasam malam.. he dun even noe what is it and he bought it.. hahax. dumbass... lolx. then took bus with thana.. saw her enemy frm pri sch.. her enemy took the same bus as us.. but i duno wat happened after i alighted... thana didn't keep me inform.. LOL. oh and adriel got possessed by a female ghost... hmm.. watever! *scroll down for evidence* XP...

click pictures for larger sizes.. u might puke.. LOL...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 5:13 PM
Saturday, September 23, 2006
i saw nadeen's sis on new paper today.. as the last contestent for the new paper new face thingy.. hahax. she's so pretty.. lolx. hmm.. her name is NArgis.. and NAdeen have the NA also.. HAHA! so yeah, they shd be slibings. LOL. XP
The Retro Fever Ends @ 7:32 PM
Friday, September 22, 2006
class wad deserted today.. hahax. only 15 went.. mrs logan didn't come. mr tan took over the class... he's full of crap. lolx. sean says he looks lyk he works at mcdonalds.. hahax. and he pronounce exactly lyk mr ho.. with all the S-es behind each word.. hahax. then when we hand up our work, we will say, "tan-s... nah." lolx.. was suppose to have english test today. as a mock test for eoy.. but since so many ppl weren't in sch. the 15 of us decided not to do also.. and of cause, mr ho nag nag and nag.. lolx.. joy, sean and i tried to imagine him goin out with his children.. hahax. omg! lolx... mrs lim was super duper angry today.. and the coolest part is tt the weather was accordin to her mood.. she scoldin swatee lyk mad.. shouted, talked nicely.. but swatee jus kept quiet. so mrs lim got MAD and shouted at her.. *sighh*..when mrs lim was talkin to swatee.. the sky became dark and started to rain heavily just as mrs lim was sort of shoutin at swatee.. then when mrs REALLY shouted at swatee, there was a sudden thunder.. super loud.. its lyk mrs lim controlled the weather.. hahax. then when mrs lim cooled down and started to teach, the rain stopped and the sun came out.. LOL. oh, and mdm ng is such a kpo.. YUCK! and after sch, when to eat with nicho at mos burger.. oh ya! mrs lim walked super slow.. she was practically draggin herself to the staffroom when nicho, david and i help to carry her things.. okok, i didn't help to carry.. i was also draggin myself.. hahax. hmm... i wonder wat happened to swatee? hahax.. MRS LIM THE WEATHER CONTROL FREAK. LOL.
The Retro Fever Ends @ 5:06 PM
Thursday, September 21, 2006
hmm.. gonna blog in sentences tt r KISS (keep it short and sweet).. LOL.
morning, went to sch.
pelyn and kt was alr there.
had to eat pelyn's cookies.
some had too much water. some over-cooked. some NORMAL.
the over-cooked ones r the nicest.
afternoon, compete with joy.
see who can write the most nonsense on each other social studies book.
nicho and i disturb nadeen lyk crazy.
nadeen says he's gonna join s'pore idol.
after sch, ate with peggy, grace and nicho.
ate at BK.
the service totally suck.
the counter old anutie snatch the tray back frm me to give me chilli sauce.
i told her i don't want chilli sauce but ketchup.
she gave tt fcuk up face.
nicho got scolded by the counter bastard.
becuz he wanted to change his order.
what happened to the so-called Customer Is Always Right?
went to buy the present for alicia with grace and peggy.
got CHEATED by peggy to go grace's hse.
stupid peggy donated $$.
becauze tt guy spoke hokkien.
-________- ...
tt guy insulted me.
fcukin bastard.
instead of studyin, peggy and i went to play at the playground at grace's hse.
was too huge to fit into the rocking animals.
peggy and i ran to the edge and plan to jump down.
but manage to stop in time to say WHOA.
peggy didn't jump.
i jumped.
didn't really study.
was wasting time all the way.
saw a dead lizard.
freak out totally.
stay until 5.45.
got cheated by peggy again.
had to walk all the way to admiralty mrt station.
chit chat on the way.
talk abt how she NOT hate but also NOT like some ppl.
cause they changed too much.
changed into some other FAKE personality human beings.
once again, NOT hate.
jus feel wierd tt they are no longer who they used to be.
i have exactly the same feelings towards one person.
who changed alot.
The Retro Fever Ends @ 8:45 PM
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
LOL. i'm gonna blog with pictures!!! hahax... XD.

The Retro Fever Ends @ 8:09 PM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
alot of ppl didn't come to sch today... all sick.. hahax. daniel didn't come too... but watever... the main thing is CHEMISTRY LESSON.. 1st time in history, i didn't feel sleepy durin chem. cuz ms santa used powerpoint to teach us.. the powerpoint is filled with so many colours, makin it more interestin than usual lessons.. hahax.. ok, today lesson was UNUSUAL becuz the sci hod came to see-see-look-look... so ms santa was really nervous.. hmm.. in a good way.. LOL. had to break into grps to do the tasks she wanted us to do.. my grp consist of kiti, yurong, nicho, peggy, me and also... JIAN BO!! hahax.. he didn't want to join the *forgein* students' grp.. oh, nicho was appointed as 'boss' for our grp.. and when we wanted to talk to him, we had to go thru his secretary aka yurong.. hahax... damn funny... while doin task 1, i looked at ms santa and gave the wat-wtf-is-she-doin look... cuz the sci hod (not to mention her name) wasn't even payin attention.. tsk tsk... and ms santa was really funny and gave me the dun-lyk-tt-lah look.. hahax.. LOL. and then after lesson, nicho and i went up to ms santa and told her we didn't understand wth she was talkin abt.. we act as if we understood.. hahax.. hmmm.. and afetr sch, nicho and i had a brief talk on how fake and hypocritical ppl are.. ppl as in general.. not particularly one person.. and nicho said, "tt's life." well, i guess tt's true.. THAT'S LIFE..
The Retro Fever Ends @ 7:30 PM
Monday, September 18, 2006
the weather today was kinda cold.. till now, its still cold outside. *brrr...* anyway, there's abt 10 days to EOY exams.. sighh... part of me hopes tt there is still a long time to exams while another part of me can't wait for the exams.. cuz after exams, it'll be play play and more play!!! yeah!!!
29 Sep -- English
02 Oct -- Chinese
09 Oct -- Comb. Humanities (Geog) / P. Literature (P
10 Oct -- Science (Chem) / Comb. Humanities (S.S)
11 Oct -- Mathematics (P
1) / P. Literature (P
12 Oct -- Science (Phys)
13 Oct -- Mathematics (P
16 Oct -- Art & Design
so many subjects to study, so little time.. aiyoyo.. *shakes head, shakes head*
The Retro Fever Ends @ 8:21 PM
Friday, September 15, 2006
sch was damn retarded today.. lolx. nicho acted lyk an old man tokin abt his experience durin the jap occupation.. damn funny! hahax.. he was lyk, "at ur age, i'm alr fightin the japanese bast****".. lolx.. hahax. and he said something abt his wife very pretty, very chio. but then the jap ppl can and fcuk her upside-down.. hahax. he didn't say fcuk out. insted, he pronouce the letter 'F' to replace it. lyk censored lyk tt.. lolx.. laugh till peggy, anth, dan, mel and i lyk kena botox.. lolx.. hahax. he also did the indian old man one. but tt wasn't very funny. hahax. anyway, went to meet daliana and aisyah after sch to go JP... but was late.. super late. lolx. adriel and i was suppose to meet them at 1.30. but the supid bus was pack all the time. but then adriel finally got up the bus. but i was still down. so he was lyk tryin to get off the bus. but then he left for cwp.. finally, i got up the next bus and rushed to meet them. we went to JP to get grace present.. was suppose to get adriel's present too. but we had no money. so too bad. lolx. but daliana and i gave adriel an umbrella we found. but he didn't want.. so it means we GAVE him.. lolx... then at KFC, daliana and i gave adriel the leftovers.. but he also dun wan.. lolx.. haha! then when we went back.. daliana had to get a ticket. all of us were takin a long time as we were playin at the 'ticket booth'.. then suddenly, this guy appeared behind us.. we thot he was waitin for us to finish so he can get a ticket. but when aisyah and i turned around, the guy made this funny HAHA sound.. he was waitin for us to finish so we could listen to his charity crap and help to donate 2 bucks.. lolx.. then i quickly turned back to daliana and adriel.. then after we finished, we quickly ran away. leavin aisyah alone to tok to tt guy... hahax. in order to make him disappear, aisyah doanted 2 bucks.. lolx. and she demanded the 2 bucks back frm us... but daliana, adriel and i kept pushin it to each other.. then aisyah got really angry and kept super quiet.. opps! hahax. then i alighted at CCK and msg aisyah not to be angry and apologised to her... hahax. she says she's no longer angry but jus didn't want to talk. lolx.. then when i got online, she chated with me.. so i think she's SO NOT angry alr.. hahax.. and also, aisyah's not goin to her prom thingy. and we sort of plan to go town together: to help her spent tt day.. hahax... whoa! this is a LONG post.. hmm.. better stop now! LOL.
The Retro Fever Ends @ 5:48 PM
Thursday, September 14, 2006
right after sch, the sky turned dark and rain heavily.. so, i went to visit the odac. but since i hwasn't on duty but had to wait for the rain to stop in order to go home, i went to the odac room to do my homewrk.. good boy! hahax... better study hard. EOY exams are comin.. then after the chem remedial ended, peggy called me and i went to meet her and sean.. but the rain was still very heavy.. so peggy, sean and i waited for alittle while at the canteen.. then thana, swatee, melvin and william joined us.. we waited for quite awhile and then decided to leave.. although still rainin.. we ran in the rain.. hahax. then at the bus stop, saw mr soh and nadeen.. lolx. reached the interchange and took the mrt with thana, swatee and nadeen.. nadeen tried to run away.. but i chased after him and pulled him to thana and swatee.. after swatee alighted, nadeen showed us a photo of his sister in the newspaper.. but thana and i didn't believe him.. so he showed us his hp.. its really her.. his sis joined the new paper new face thingy and is really pretty.. have tt eurasian look.. PRETTY!! lolx. she got str8 hair and is so pretty.. so so unlike nadeen who have curly hair and is so... erm... lets not say tt he's ug**.. lolx. lets jus say he looks lyk an emu.. XD
The Retro Fever Ends @ 6:06 PM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
got back report book today.. hahax.. not too bad. got 3rd in class.. XD!!! but the last time, i got 1st.. lolx. but nvm, still gd enuff for me.. hehex..
English - A2
Chinese - A1
Mathematics - B3
Comb. Science - C5
P. Literature - B4
Art & Design - A2
Comb. Humanities - C5
lolx.. not too bad lah... hahax.. overall percentage is erm.. lolx.. 67%. hahax.. after sch went to watch monster house with nicho.. lolx. it was funny and cute.. lolx. but quite boring.. saw melvin and nadeen in the movie.. there's a fat boy which reminded us of melvin.. hahax.. and also an afro policeman which reminded us of, ABUGAIL!! hahax.. hmm.. i lyk the movie.. its kinda cute lah.. the house. hahax. the hse can eat ppl.. lolx... well, the hse was some how the old man's wife.. her spirit combined with the hse.. hahax.. and she hates children.. so after she dies and becomes the hse, she ate children.. she ate a dog who peed on her 'garden' too... hahax.. damn cute.. lolx.. the fat boy was so retarded.. jus lyk melvin.. hahax.. opps! ;P
The Retro Fever Ends @ 8:09 PM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
durin morning assembly, mr ang told the sch a bedtime story.. and he succeeded in makin me slp.. hahax. but i managed to hear some parts of the bedtime story he told.. he says tt we're called the strawberry generation.. cannot tahan stress... once being press (stress), we'll get squash.. lyk a strawberry.. at first, very nice, red, fresh.. but as time goes.. the strawberry becomes rotten.. he also said tt we shd be lyk mashmallows.. cuz when mashmallows r being press, it'll 'bounce' back to shape.. and it looks nice too.. soft, smooth, white.. hahax.. hmm.. EOY exam comin in 3 weeks time.. got to study really soon.. maybe i'll start today.. erm.. nono, tml.. hmm.. thurs is good too.. why not fri? aiyo...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 5:19 PM
Monday, September 11, 2006
its the 5 yr anniversary of 9/11 and also the 1st day of sch for term 3... 2 word.. hate it.. I HATE SCH!!!! anyway, for those who suffer frm slpin disorder, go seek treatment frm my physics teacher. her physics lesson is crap. u can replace it for a bedtime story... *yawn*... hmm.. got to go do my art now..
"farther!".. HAHAX!!!
The Retro Fever Ends @ 7:44 PM
Saturday, September 09, 2006
tuition was fun.. hahax.. last fri was teacher's day.. but all of us didn't get a present for ms chan. hahax. then this sat, the girls went to town to get her a woman's panty and a blouse.. hahax.. its hot pink in colour... lolx. ms chan claims she never wear pink b4.. so they decided to get her a pink thingy.. not only pink, HOT PINK!! hahax. and when i saw the panty, i was lyk shock.. lolx. cuz its lyk too small? hahax... but when they gave it to ms chan, she was shock too. but when she placed it around her waist, can fit.. hahax.. then durin lesson time, she explained this word to the class.. i think the word is er... COPULATORY. lolx.. "its lyk er.. to make love.. in other words, F-U-C-K lah.." lolx.. then one of the girls ask her why use so *chimp* word.. then she replied sayin tt becuz the F* word is a bad word.. XD... jus now, when i on the comp, i wanted to sign in to msn messenger.. but it couldn't work.. so i reinstall the whole thing.. but still couldn't work.. and finally, abt a few minutes ago, IT WORKED!! hahahax... and when i signed in to blogger, its all chinese.. omg.. but luckily, my chinese still not tt bad.. able to read some words.. so i'm lyk tikam tikam guess wat tt chinese word mean b4 clickin on it.. WHEW!
The Retro Fever Ends @ 8:30 PM
Friday, September 08, 2006
The Retro Fever Ends @ 11:50 AM
Thursday, September 07, 2006
The Retro Fever Ends @ 5:25 PM
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
What Your Bathroom Habits Say About You |
 You are a very considerate person, but that doesn't mean you let people walk all over you.
Your look is put together, classic, and stylish. You always look fashionable without trying.
You have the perfect blend of confidence and class. You're proud of who you are - but you don't broadcast it.
In relationships, you are practical and realistic. You have a romantic side, but you only let it out when it's appropriate. |
You Should Be A Gemini |
 What's good about you: witty and energetic, you're simply the most fun to be around
What's bad about you: you're flighty - losing interest in people and projects quickly
In love: you enjoy the "honeymoon phase," but after that it's hard for you to stick around
In friendship, you're: likely to have many groups of friends, with many different interests
Your ideal job: mime, guru, or cartoonist
Your sense of fashion: casual and simple
You like to pig out on: fast food, especially burritos |
You Are From Mercury |
 You are talkative, clever, and knowledgeable - and it shows. You probably never leave home without your cell phone! You're witty, expressive, and aware of everything going on around you. You love learning, playing, and taking in all of what life has to offer. Be careful not to talk your friends' ears off, and temper your need to know everything. |
You Are 15 Years Old |
 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
Your Life Path Number is 11 |
 Your purpose in life is to inspire others
Your amazing energy draws people to you, and you give them great insight in return. You hold a great amount of power over others, without even trying. You have the makings of an inventor, artist, religious leader, or prophet.
In love, you are sensitive and passionate. You connect with your partner on a very deep level.
You have great abilities, but you are often way too critical of yourself. You don't fit in - and instead of celebrating your differences, you dwell on them. You have high expectations of yourself. But sometimes you set them too high and don't achieve anything. |
You've Changed 60% in 10 Years |
 You've done a good job changing with the times, but deep down, you're still the same person. You're clothes, job, and friends may have changed some - but it hasn't changed you. |
You Are 32% Gross |
 You're a tad gross, but generally you're a clean, hygienic person. No one can be perfectly clean all the time, and it's better to be human than a neat freak. |
Your Dating Purity Score: 88% |
 You are an innocent dater. You're either lacking in dating experience or have had a long serious relationship. Either way, there's still plenty of fish in the sea out there for you to sample! |
You Are 80% Gentleman |
 You are definitely a gentleman. You're very considerate and you have excellent manners. Occasionally, you slip and do something foolish... but usually no one notices! |
You Are 18% Selfish |
 In other words, you're a warm, caring considerate person. Just make sure to get your way sometimes. There's a fine line between unselfish and pushover. |
Your Birthdate: October 26 |
 You lucked out the the skills to succeed in almost any arena. Put you in almost any business or classroom, and you'll rise to the top. You're driven and intense, but you also know when to kick back and cooperate. Your ability to adapt to almost any situation is part of what's going to make you a success.
Your strength: Your attention to detail
Your weakness: You can be a little too proud of your successes
Your power color: Turquoise
Your power symbol: Arrow pointing up
Your power month: August |
Your Emoticon is Cool |
 You're not feeling particularly up or down, just relaxed and calm. You're ready for whatever is going to happen next! |
The Retro Fever Ends @ 2:10 PM
didn't go for the 3e2'06 chalet plus red hse trip.. so sad.. i wanted to see ghosts and haf fun with my frens.. sighhhh.. couldn't go becuz of:
1. haven't tell my parents yet
2. can't go home too late
3. no $$$
The Retro Fever Ends @ 11:04 AM
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
went for 2e2'05 gathering today.. was er.. hmm.. ok lah.. lolx. but b4 tt, went to meet adriel to cut hair.. cut till damn short.. haizz.. then go meet phy at the interchange.. she was late.. so adriel and i walk around the interchange.. then she suddenly appeared! hahax. anyway, after we reach jh's hse, we slacked for awhile to wait for more ppl to come. then when lene came, we went to vista point cuz phy and lene wanna eat. after tt, played err.. ball? lolx.. played for awhile then lsm came.. switched to play carpark catchin.. lsm and adriel keep flirtin.. then mingshend angry.. hahax. after playin lyk 2 rounds, lene, brian, jh and i decided to go jh hse to rest while the others think we're still playin.. then reached jh hse, drink and rest... called lsm next.. went to vista point again to eat.. we kept disturbin each other abt rumours tt who each other lyk.. lyk ming sheng and lsm.. hahax.. then went back to jh hse and play ball again.. hahax. then played soccer for alittle while then monkey. we were sort of tired so rest at for awhile then left loh.. lolx. then on the bus, lsm and the guys kept talkin abt maple.. hahax. then janrez kept sayin PLAY RAKION.. lolx. hahax.. tml's goin to the 3e2'06 chalet.. XD
The Retro Fever Ends @ 8:19 PM
Monday, September 04, 2006
had wind-surfing today... hahax. was fun... had lyk theory for so long... so boring.. but the practical part was WOW! hahax... its so difficult to stand on the board.. not to even mention stabilize.. lolx. the sail was damn heavy... hahax.. need lyk hell lot of strength to pull it up... omg... whew, its over! hahax.. well, its quite an experience for me.. cuz i din do this b4.. so its lyk yeah! hahax. managed to only stand, stabilize and also sort of wind-surf for awhile... hahax. its an accomplishment for me alr... lolx. but instead of gettin darker, i got redder... lolx.. i hope i'll get tan... cuz its lyk a life time dream.. lolx.. but it never comes true.. =(... hahax. had dinner with odac ppl the went home... hahax. in the bus, ashok shouted SUCK MY COCK! then everyone looked back... lolx. then we were all talkin damn loud abt those sex pics on hidzir's shirt... hahax... up till now, i still feel as thou i'm in water, floatin... *wee!*
The Retro Fever Ends @ 9:27 PM
Friday, September 01, 2006
my new blogskin.. hahax. inspired by ABUGAIL's hairdo.. lolx. and its done by kiti.. meow meow... gracey mummy... she's evil... hahax. shah sent me two url of two videos of, i think, abt the red hse... so i sent it to grace w/o wacthin.. hahax. then grace watch and told me abt it.. wasn't very scary.. but still, i didn't wan to watch cuz i'm sort of alone at home.. hahax. then she sent me another url of a video sayin its a funny video.. but i was eatin bananna.. so i said later i watch.. and when i open the url.. i saw the title abt some SUPERNATURAL stuffs.. and my speaker was on maximun volume.. i quickly close the window and told grace.. then she was lyk FCUK! hahax..
The Retro Fever Ends @ 3:23 PM