Friday, June 30, 2006
was packin my bag jus now.. had to bring my shoe bag and my sleepin bag... these were the last thing tt i packed... hahax. my sleepin bag was lyk dman huge and my small shoebag was empty.. so, hahax... i squeezed the sleepingbag into the shoebag and now my shoebag looks damn cute... lolx.. it looks lyk a pillow. hehex...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 12:35 PM
didn't go sch today... so i woke up late. hahax... will haf to go to sch later anyway and will haf to slp there too... OAC camp. will be back on sun evening. hahax. hope it will be fun... LETS JUST HOPE... haizz... oac camps r never fun.. ok maybe not NEVER fun. cuz so far, i only went once. and today will be the second time. lolx... oh shit! i'm suppose to haf the oac webby done by today. but i dun think i've even started... shit, shit, shit...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 11:04 AM
Thursday, June 29, 2006
anthea went kinda crazy today. she admires this construction worker... lolx. then during lit lesson, dan and me keep lookin out of the window cuz anthea wanted us to be her cover. tt guy then squat down... showin his ass to anthea. lolx.. anthea was lyk O.O ... hahax. then when mdm wee came in, we had to sit down.. but anthea kept sayin he's damn hot. then she said, "mdm wee, i'm melting..." lolx. when we asked y anthea lyk tt guy, she said becuz he's dirty... lyk he never bathe for 3 years/days... hahax... ANTHEA IS WEIRD...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 7:17 PM
had to do some presentation on symbolism today durin lit lesson... my grp was to do on APPLE... and with our imagination and creativity... dan, anthea, peggy and i managed to change an apple to a vagina... lolx. yup, a VAGINA!!! lolx. 1st, u cut the apple into half. then it will look lyk tt...

dun u think the core looks lyk a vagina? hahax... and mrs logan asked the class, "y do u think hardcore film is call HARDCORE?" hahax. mrs logan is gd and bad... gd as in she's VERY open... but bad cuz she only talks abt the life durin lit lessons... lyk how she misses her grandma and stuffs. and when she talks abt it, everyone will be lyk NOT AGAIN?!?! somehow, almost everything tt she teaches in lit had to do with her life... lyk when she taught us abt black magic frm Macbeth or The English Teacher, she will go into her lifestory of how she encountered balck magic... so its lyk EVERYTHING had to do with her... -_-"
The Retro Fever Ends @ 4:58 PM
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
piqued = pissed off
eng lesson was funny... lolx. i saw a piece of paper on the floor... so i picked it up and realised it was nadeen's... so i shouted, "NADEEN ABU LAH!" to shah (sergent dollah)... cuz he's nadeen's bestfren. then mr ho was lyk dun say tt word... mind ur language... then i was lyk huh??? so i told nicho and dan. and they said, "nadeen NABU..." lolx... then mr ho appeared again... and said dun say tt word.. dun say tt word... then i said, "but tt's his name... NADEEN ABU!" and mr ho said, "dun say tt word..." lolx... damn funny. nicho, dan and i laugh lyk siao... then we told juliana abt this... and she was lyk, "mr ho!!! NADEEN ABU DIDN'T COME... nadeen ABU!!!" hahax... then mr ho come and say, "dun say tt word... its ppl's name..." and so, we said, "TT'S HIS NAME!!!" and he was lyk, "haiz... jus dun say tt word..." lolx... wat word? ohh... NADEEN NABU??? hahax...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 7:33 PM
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

kk, i was bored... nobody wouldn't be bored when pmk keep blabbin non-stop 4 3hrs . zZzZzZ...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 6:14 PM
Monday, June 26, 2006
"karma. karma. karma!!!"
"lucky. lucky. lucky!!!"
lolx... watched JUST MY LUCK today with dan, julene, rebecca, brian and myron... yes... MYRON. he transfered sch in the beginnin of the year.. and when i saw him today, william, brian, dan and i ran after him. and he joined us for movie... hahax. the movie was nice.. BUT!!! the jokes r quite lame. =P
anyway, ms foo was damn weird today. she's lyk NICE??? nice shdn't be used to describe her at all.. hahax. we can wear our home clothes on fri 4 youth day thingy... and she was lyk "dress ur best..." and keep smiling... lolx. the sch was noisy when she wanted to tok. so mr koa say "settle down.. settle down.." and ms foo said "nvm, they are jus excited..." o.0??? wtf?!?! oh, mr soh is no longer my eng teacher... its now mr ho. small ho... and he want the class to give him equal respect we give mr soh... HAHAX... equal respect. lolx...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 10:48 PM
Sunday, June 25, 2006
continued frm yesterday post abt yesterday's (24.06.06) yesterday's bbq (23.06.06)... lolx. leeny's maid made yummy hotdog bread... so YUMMY!!! hahax. well, after settin up the pit and bbq*ing* the food... we keep eatin and eatin. the chicken wings were nice. hahax... the drinks!!! yes, the DRINKS!!! ain, aisyah and i were suppose to mix the syrup and cold water together. so we used the water cooler... hahax. we poured alot of syrup. then i taste... still not sweet. pour sumore syrup... still not sweet... then aisyah say she taste, dun let me taste. i taste sure not sweet de. lolx... but, we dun have the spoon to stir the mixture... so aisyah washed her hands and put her whole arm into the container... and stir, and stir... hahax. ok, it was digustin to look but yummy to drink. hahax... however, to me, still not sweet enuff... so i pour some water frm the water cooler, and poured alot of syrup into the small cup of plain water... YUMMY!!! i let sakinah taste also.. she said it was YUMMY too!!! hahax.. then after the bbq, we went to play hide and seek. hahax... when we went back, ms phua cam and scold us, "why u all playin? u all wan to stay in sch is it? i'm not givin u all any tents... u all wan to stay in sch is it?" so naggy... then she look at everyone... then she looked at me... i was lookin up in the sky, lookin at the 2 lights tt kept "flyin" around our sch... hidzir and li hao had noticed them while hiding... i gave the "wat?!" look to pmk... then look back at the sky. we then went to pack up... the guys (jeevan included this time) went to throw the rubbish... and were also searchin for the UFOs... hahax. then li hao saw the source of the light... lolx... its not an UFO after all... heeheex... after leavin sch, adriel, li hao and i went to cwp for awhile... wanted to get bubbletea... but when we walked towards the shop, the auntie say no more alr... it was abt 9.45 then. so we walk around cwp... then we walked out and went to cross over to civic centre.. but while crossing, i asked where r we goin... then we stopped in the middle of the road and ran back... lolx... hmm... tt's abt it.. hahax. will try to upload photos asap, once i get to install the prog to transfer the photos frm my hp to the comp... unfortunately, it NEVER works... lolx...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 1:55 PM
Saturday, June 24, 2006
lets talk abt yesterday's oac bbq... hahax. was suppose to start at 5... then the pmk keep talkin... the mouth open cannot close. then keep scoldin us, call us not to waste time.. but actually, she's the one wasting time... talk talk.. jeevan also.. cannot tahan sia.. talk damn slow. durin p.ubin camp at this time to tt time must do wat... dun even haf free time. but have own activites.. but for how long? SUPER short... wats the use. then talk a few sentence, must use the hand and comb the hair. lyk gay sia... then all the boys (hidzir, ashok, li hao, me, chang hong, ariel) copy his actions... everytime he comb his hair, we also comb... then pmk, haizz... here itchy, there itchy... adriel sat directly opposite her, cannot stop laughin... lolx... the FINALLY, the meetin was over. time for BBQ!!!! the boys (excpet for jeevan) went to prepare the bbq pit and stuffs. the gals (plus jeevan) went wif ms puah to get the food... after settin up everything, the guys waited... and waited... the fire started... but the guys still waitin... waitin... then ain and aisyah came... and we waited... and waited... and waited... AND waited... then came the food. wait damn freakin long. guess where pmk bought the gals to... they went SHENG SIONG... wth!!! haiyo... hmmm... will continue TOMORROW. need to rush thru my lit homewrk. *sigh* ...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 11:36 PM