cuttin my chi compo bk... lol... jus lyk how mr koa cut my hair durin eng paper 1... cut my back part... was too long. now, its lyk in a str8 line... ahhh!!! then durin recess, so many guys were tokin abt their hair... all also got cut by mr koa... after sch, followed adriel, jing si and phy to vista to cut adriel's hair... then went to cwp's mac to makan... met julene, brian, lc and pearlyn there... ate together and left b4 they did cuz adriel was sufferin there... some1 mentally hurtin him... hahax... lol... so now, here i am, cuttin my chi compo bk... *weirdo* XD
Part 1went to the zoo on sun... hahax... great fun...
when we (anthea, kaiting, daniel, peggy and i) arrived at the zoo, the 1st thing we wanted to do is to eat... hahax... but b4 tt, we saw a peacock... then i go disturb it. lol... and it chased me... hahax... so all of us quickly went into the the KFC "for safety"... lol.
went to see the poloar bear next... hmmm... quite boring... cuz we got no place to sit so we stood to watch the show, at the corner... can't really see anything... hahahx...

next, we when to see the leopard or cheetah... lolx... duno what's tt and also the otter... damn cute lah... hahahaxxx... saw the lions too... the male and the female were sittin far away frm each other... so kaiting say tt b4 we came, they had quarrelled... hehexxx...

------------> can u see it's balls??? below the tail... hahax...
then we walked and walked till we were tired... so we went to some spices garden to rest... ahnd a well there and so, dan wanted to take a video of the ring... -_-" hahax... saw the same peacock again... hahax... this time, it spreaded its feathers for us to see... how sweet... lol

------> cool yeah? XD
oh ya, wanna see the horse dick? hahax...

hahahaxxx... hmm... tt's all for today... stay tuned... more animal parts commin rite up!!! hehexxx...