Friday, September 30, 2005
jus came back frm the superstar concert... not very fun... quite boring. lolx... we sat the $78 seats. then saw ms tan, her bro... we went to her and ask if he was her bf... she was lyk 'no lah, my yongest bro... he very clever.' lolx... then we went back to our seats... btw, we = dan, me, julene, phy... lolx... then jess came and sat next to us... she brought the ticket but didn't noe was sitin next to us... she was so suprise... we too. ms tan brought ms yam to go find us... hahaxxx... ms yam went to. wif her parents. lolx... teachers... superstars... hahaxxx... the concert was kinda funny.. hahaxxx. the 2 army guys (derrick and wei choong) took out their hat and... lolx... very nice leh. wanna cut botak too... lolx. however, phy, julene and me didn't watch the whole concert... we wanted to go... then at the mrt station, no more train... so we call dan and force him to get out... lolx. then we decided to take train to changi then take 858 bac to woodloands. saw ms tan again... she took the same bus, train as us... *she alight at yishun* lolx... overall, fun... lolx.
The Retro Fever Ends @ 1:58 AM
Sunday, September 25, 2005

went to sch today for some dengue stuff... lolx... quite fun lah... hahax... daniel became 'gay' after he saw a handsome guy, just married, i think, topless... daniel was suppose to lyk go to each house and tell them abt dengue and give them a flyer... then this handsome guy came to talk to daniel when daniel was at their door... he was topless... lolx... then daniel tok finish went to julne and tell her got a hunky guy... then they both go there and, 'wow!' lolx... cuz tt guy got muscles... lolx... hahax... then daniel was lyk, "i'm gay now..." lolx. then after the dengue thingy, went to j8... took neoprints... lolx... and then went home loh... hahax... anyway, daniel's 'gay'... lolx....
The Retro Fever Ends @ 4:12 PM
Friday, September 09, 2005
so damn sad... brian say the froggy noe abt the anti-ms-foo blog... he said tt ms aisyah told myron and myron told him to delete the blog.... haizzz... hope we have another one... i think we got... hmm.... *hint* lolx.... i din say anything abt the anti-ms-foo thingy... HAIZZZ
The Retro Fever Ends @ 11:28 AM
Monday, September 05, 2005
went back to sch for maths remedial today... so sian... got a test also... those who pass can, those who fail need to stay back 4 another 2 hrs... i almost failed... heeheexxx. i got 7/14... WHEW! lolx... then went to li chuen hse 'help' brian do his anti-ms-foo blog... lolx... li chuen mother is so loud... she tok lyk scoldin lyk tt. then we very hungry... so went downstairs to the playground to eat... the playground got those small small shelter. brian and pearlyn in 1, adriel and julene in 1... then me, reb and li chuen in the last 1... when we went up to li chuen hse, we met an indian guy, he was tokin to us in the lift... he was lyk askin how old we were... he then said julene was pri1 then pearlyn was kindergarden... then i told him i was sec4... lolx... at aroun 1.45, reb went home cuz she need to go see doc cuz of her 'already-ok' eye... lolx... at 2.30, all of us went home... brian was lyk: dun go lah... stay awhile more... heeheexxx... but he still went off wif us... once the lift door closed, brian was lyk: aiya, y u all go so early?! actually is he himself wan to stay awhile more wif his beloved li chuen... weehoo! on the way bac to cuzway point, brian and pearlyn walk behind... then julene and adriel walk in front... then i no where to walk... so walk in the middle... =( lolx... hmmm... i think tt's all... nth exicitin after these EVENTS... heeheexxx...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 4:55 PM
Sunday, September 04, 2005
brian created a blog called ... kinda funny... lolx... this is wat he wrote:
One day...there was this BITCH called ms foo....aka toady...froggy...old virgin(personally my fav.)she came into Christ Church...and started screaming her head off...
Day one....everyone thinks she sucks...
Day two....teachers thinks she sucks...
Day three....principle thinks she sucks...
Day Four....everyone noes she sucks!!!!
Here is my part of the story...On teachers day...When mr Ang comes in...every1 cheers....When the old virgin comes in...every1 BOOS!!! but yet...she still pretends she din hear anything...Then on friday she got she walked around the second lvl scolding 2/8 first...
go to his blog to read the rest of the 'story' *based on a true story* lolx
The Retro Fever Ends @ 4:25 PM
Friday, September 02, 2005
exactly 70 days din blog liao... lolx... today, something 'WOW' happen... the stupid froggy (Ms Foo) was scoldin 2/7... then she saw our class ppl standin up and makin hell lot of noise... so she call the mr azman to come to our class and call us to stand outside the class. after scoldin 2/7, she walk towards our class... but then she stop at 2/1 and scold them 1st then come and scold us... then she scold scold scold. but nobady care abt her... every1 was lookin at the floor, the sec 1s downstairs... so she call us to go the parade square and stand. at the parade square, she keep sayin tt chr ppl very stupid... the later call our whole class bloody idiots... lolx... then later she say ms aisah name as ms atika... then we all laugh. then she pei seh... say y must we all laugh when she make a mistake... aiyo... so funni... sa lah means sa lah... still dun admit... lolx... then she tok tok tok... we all sian liao... most of us jus look at her and shake head and laugh... heeheexx... then she went off. next, was ms aisah... she say tt she was then seein us as idiots... ='( heeheexxx... then when we went bac to class, we all kept tokin abt tt froggy... then daniel even said her website was: ... lolx... *got no such website hor* heehee. brian said tt only bigger idiots can tell tt we r idiots... he also said tt if ms foo look at the mirror she will see the biggest idiots of all... ms foo also said tt she dun care abt wat caring abt our emotions or somethin lyk tt for wat proper growth... then i told adriel tt becuz of this, tt's y she is so psycho... lolx. durin sci lesson, ms chan was lyk kept sayin tt our "favourie" vice principle is at the opp. class/walkin here and there... guess she dun lyk the froggy too! heeheexxx... yeah!!! lolx... then durin maths lesson, we keep askin mrs lim if she lyk ms foo... she diam diam... haizzz... ms foo so poor thing... lolx...
*hope she doesn't read this!!!*
The Retro Fever Ends @ 6:08 PM