Friday, April 22, 2005
maths lesson was so boring... i almost slept... haizz... then later, during chi lesson, mdm fong came to our class sit behind lyk doin a "test" 4 mrs chong... then adriel was lyk, whistling lah... then i whisper to him, "mdm fong lah!" he say, "where?"... i point behind, he look, look, look... then ask again... "where?"... then later, he saw her and quickly turn 2 look in front... lolxx... chaper was boring too... haizzzz... zZzZzZzZzZzZz... then after sch, went to library wif lsm, daniel and reb... but ate at KFC 1st... yummy... then after tt, go library lah... saw ain, aizzah, aisyah, daliana there... then sat down, suppose to study, but only manage to do hw... lolxxx... then dal's bf came wif his frens... then went cuzway agian, kana force by reb, lsm, daniel to take neoprint... haizzz... but quite nice lah... lolxxx... then saw adriel, kirtsen, dawn, etc at cuzway too... then went home... haizz... afew more days exam liao... haven revise yet... haiyo... ...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 7:26 PM
Thursday, April 21, 2005
went to the nusing home today... the old ppl so pitiful loh... haizz... wanna cry... lolxx... but, they're PITIFUL... the nurses there totally suck big time... one of the auntie there kept cryin, wan water... i go tell the nurse, she say wait... the she pour water, take her own sweet time walk to the auntie... then the rest of the nurses just sit down there, everything dun do... stupid... i almost step onto urine today too... when lsm and me tokin to an old man hor, i walk to his other side lah... then later lsm say... "Stop!!" then i look down, URINE!!! yellow, yellow... lolxxx... abt a few cm then touch le... whew... lolxxx... daniel got "molested" too... an auntie touch this butt... lolxxx... then after tt, went to cuzway with vien, adriel, reb, lsm, brian, william... lookin 4 comics... but, found nth... hiazz... so tired... on the way home, on mrt and bus, sleepin... *yawn* got so many hw... tests too... haizz... duno how to surive man... lolx...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 7:27 PM
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
GAY = Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry.
adriel's gay... lolx... y??? find out yourself... and, i mean gay as in HAPPY... lolxxx... oac was tiring man... we had to run 5 rounds, do 60 push-ups, 60 sit-ups... tired sia... especially when self study period on wards, i was so tired... cuz all the subs today was so sian... haizz... then after sch, waitin 4 oac to start, the oac members gather at the canteen to chit chat, i "sleepin"... lolxx...
and then, the thing tt adriel is so GAY abt happen... stupid GAY... heeheexxx... but, after the run, i was energetic... lolxx... but hungry... XP... then went cuzway 4 awhile... got some BIG stuff happen to myron today... lolxxx... gtg... BYE!!!
The Retro Fever Ends @ 8:44 PM
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
eng oral today... got mr chow as the examiner... quite nice lah he, also quite easy... after tt, waited for the rest to finish their oral... when all finish except adriel, lsm did SPLIT!!! woh... lolx... the pearlyn, lsm, reb, adriel, me went home 1st... pearly and lsm went home... reb, me , adriel went to cuzway walk walk... while we walk, we kept singin... my boo, karma, etc... lolxxx... then later, we saw vien and william... vien eating ice cream... the she say, the top part of the ice cream is hers, the bottom part is he's... aiyoyo... lolx... then when they left, we went to Gelare eat waffle plus ice cream on top... yummy... but ex sia... $15.90 leh... heeheexxx... then we walk some more then go home... =P

lsm doin SPLIT...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 8:03 PM
Monday, April 18, 2005
today was fun... after sch, i, adriel, lsm, vien, reb and pearlyn go cuzway... it was rain so heavily loh... then we every 3 share 1 umbrella... then when we reach the bus stop, i found out tt i left my wallet in class... i and reb walk back to sch lah... then we at the road hor, a car pass by, water splash on us... we move back 1 step... then one van pass by, splash water on us again... wa... so fun... lolx... heeheexxx... our shoe wet... lolx...then we meet the rest at the kfc there... reb maid went to give her her sandals... lolx... she say cannot look cuz her feet very swollen... lolx... then when we went to kfc, we kept eating lsm cheese fries... then say call us go walk one more round... lolx... if u get wat i mean, lolx... heeheexxx. then after tt, quite sian le... aiyo... ...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 7:52 PM
Sunday, April 17, 2005
yeah!!! i finally change my blogskin... nice??? hope so... lolx... I'M A PROFESSIONAL BUM, ARE YOU? lolx... i find new blogskin 4 so long le... finally got 1 i lyk... duno u all lyk anot lah... i lyk can liow... heeheexxx... quite sian today... go sao mu... or watever lah... go see my dead grandpa... nth much to tok abt tt... lolx... haizz... so sian... lolx... heeheexxx...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 10:10 PM
Saturday, April 09, 2005
on my way to tuition, i saw an accident... not the whole accident lah... i saw this guy lyin on the road... he was wearing a motorcycle helmet, red shirt and jeans... got alot of blood leh... he was lyin on the blood... omg... there got ambulance, a bus, policemen, alot of kpo ppl... my mom saw liow hor, ask, " y haven bring him into the ambulance?" then my dad say, " mayb die liow..."
2 hrs later, i go home frm tuition lah... then pass by the same place the accident happen... the ppl got more... the policemen still there... the bus still there... the ambulance still there... then guy... still there... but got white cloth cover... die liow... so poor thing loh... u see on news, still okok... u see it urself ah... walao!!! haizz...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 11:14 AM
Friday, April 08, 2005
today was suppose to be boring but when chi , lesson came, it was FUN... mrs chong wanted to go take some stuuf in the staff room so she want us to read a passage... when she went, we continued reading 4 lyk... 10 seconds??? we only stop when melvin say, "she go liow!!!" ... then everyone stop reading and started laughing... lolx... after tt hor, melvin became the 'watch tower'... lolx.... then we all decided to start frm the last paragraph of the 1st page of the passage when melvin tell us tt mrs chong come liow... then we laugh, tok, make noise... as usual lah... "come liow, come liow!!!"... melvin shouted... then we "1,2,3"... started reading the last paragraph... lolx... so FUN!!! then after chi lesson, we heard mr chow shouting... all teachers, students stop and look... UP... our class also KPO.. some went out to see... those din go one hor, will ask those who went out de.. lolx... then when melvin shouted, "aisah comin, aisah comin..." we all run bac to our seats... the myron sit down, chair go backwards, chair hit rebecca's table, myron fall down, rebecca shout, "ahhh!!!"... we all LAUGH!!! lolx... fun class ah... lolx... 2/2... ROX!!!
The Retro Fever Ends @ 6:43 PM
Thursday, April 07, 2005
got home econs practical test today... i cook some funny funny rice... duno wat name... lolx... then after sch, went to dan's hse... we reherse for the music play... jing si, adriel, kelvin and me went... was quite fun... heeheex... his mom was there... when dan called his mum, mommy. when he reached home, adriel, kelvin, me follow him call mommy... lolx... heeheexx... then when goin to finish the props we made, dan, adriel, kel, me we got this little 'play'... lolx... we act at the shamara, retardeds, pshyo, seducing, fliting, etc... can't rmb liow... very funni... only got jing si doin the last prop alone... opps... soory!!! lolx... oh ya, got punish by ms chan today cuz i didn't have enough time to copy, i mean, REFER to alvis ans and write them down on my book... lolx... then need to sit on the floor, do corections... toot, rite... aiyoyoyo.... lolx... heeheexxx....
The Retro Fever Ends @ 7:43 PM
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
mamamamamamamamama..... now is shama lesson... again, she let us go com lab... toot, ah she... bluff her so many tyms still let us go com lab play... stupid mama... lolx.... but also gd lah... can blog.... oh shit... my eye sore sia... pain pian... lyk kana box lyk tt.... ouch!!! lolx... heeheee... now mel showin me his xuewen pic in frenster... haizzz.... dis guy ah, crazy in love... aiyoyo... XD
The Retro Fever Ends @ 10:21 AM
Friday, April 01, 2005

melvin... act only... lolx
The Retro Fever Ends @ 5:33 PM

majong again... (starting frm the guy facing u) melvin, lsm, reb (gals not facing u), brian... the gal standing nxt to lsm is vien, but she not playing...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 5:33 PM

play majong... (starting frm the gal NOT facing u) reb,lsm, melvin (tall one) , brian... the gal standing nxt to lsm is vien, but she not playing...
The Retro Fever Ends @ 5:32 PM
today sch end early!!! 10.15am... cuz got speech day, those who go so poor thing... now, i reach home... heeheexx... cuz went to melvin's hse play.... majong!!! lolx... i just learn leh... but not me only... leonard, adriel also... leonard very li hai, learn awhile, noe how to play liow... me, still need ppl help... adriel, hai.... lolx... lsm, jeff, lene, will, brian, reb, jan, roger,vien, leo, adriel and me, all go melvin's hse... heeheexxx.... got take some photos... later i put in blog... jus look up....
The Retro Fever Ends @ 5:25 PM